Our Products
We began in the Veneto region of Italy, drawing inspiration and learning from the landscape, while moving in the region’s tradition of innovation, forward thought and uncompromising standards. When we established ourselves in Toronto, we brought it with us.
Discover the finest pieces in Italian bath, curated using natural materials and finished with an artisanal quality. Our team of in-house designers and craftspeople study the latest coming from Italian exhibitions and shows before they are introduced to the world, and then we combine the showcase palettes, textures, form and function in wondrously exclusive ways.
Our models are tailored, made to measure. Vanities float like a city, the same stone was once used to fortify town walls; it’s a journey through marble and porcelain, oak forests and districts of glass – and it has all been preassembled. We begin and end together, in the Veneto region of Italy, at home in Canada.